Girl in Bionic Suit 2004: Fireworks
Sunday, July 4

"I went and bought fireworks for the 4th, the USA's Independence Day. Fireworks were just legalized in Fresno a few years ago, so everybody is taking advantage of this new freedom here."*

Was it along I-75 ? We drove pass the town where the Big Mexican statue stood. It was the Mexican Town, as we called it. There were rides of all sorts and a big fireworks house. You turned off the highway and into the vast parking lots, all pumped up to get your hands on some fireworks.

But it was the Winter holidays and the place was deserted, save for the touristy-looking peeps who were no doubt falsely lured to the Mexican Town for the same reason as us. To be fair, there was a restaurant open for biz. But still no fireworks for sale.

Tough luck. #

Mr Black and me, with the BigFriendlyMexican

*Photographer- Michael Ricklefs, posted on A Day in the Life
posted by redshot on 4.7.04


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The little devil used to be so tiny and vulnerable .. so gay-gay as you said. He's just a brute nowadays. Goes around imposing his will on everything that once used to intimidate him, jumping from elevation to elevation and designating his sleep, play, meal and toilet spots in the apartment irregardless of my suggestions and objections.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of fireworks, I have no idea why they were legalized in tallahassee this year for the 4th July celebrations. Such a pity. Otherwise, we could have bought some and scared Lecter with them. No matter. I will smuggle some back and we'll go to an open field, light up the firecrackers, watch Lecter squirm, after which we'll do a victory dance and run off to safety from the law, you, me and the little devil.


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